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ProjektRaum is an art venue in Zurich, Switzerland, existing since 1990. ProjektRaum is managed by an association of ten artists, who's studios are located in the same building.
ProjektRaum is organised as an association. The space is used as a platform for exhibitions, artistic performances and events, discussions etc. ProjektRaum is a meeting-point for artists, critics and other culturally interested people, for instance at a regular sonday-morning-brunch-café or openings with dinner or workdiscussions with invited critics.
In the past years the associates worked out specific time- and space-structures for communication of visual arts. For instance we limited time for one artistic work and let it flow together with other works. The results were experiments about synchronicity, correspondance and coexistance in time and space.
This year ProjektRaum is seeing several guest-curators from all over Europe focussing on different points of view on contemporary art production.

(Since 1994 ProjektRaum is beeing subsidized by the city council and occasionally gets private funding. Nevertheless it is based on voluntary work of the associates.)

attitudes (Geneva): 8 to 28 february 1997 (opening 7 february 1997 18h)

Stefan Pente und Kai Schiemenz (Berlin): 8 to 31 march 1997 (opening 7 march 1997 18h)

Marc Olivier Wahler, CAN Centre d'Art Contemporain (Neuchâtel): 12 april to 11 may 1997 (opening 11 april 1997 18h)