Space orders (cities, buildings, flats....) mirror social structures, which implicates on the one hand the structure of thoughts and values, likewise the relations of social and economic power. Sex & Space reflects space as a form of representation of social structures. The main question was how the gender difference is already inscribed in the imagination of space and how this could be deconstructed in terms of the gender discourse.
At first the artists, feminist theoriticians and architects reflected these relations of gender and space on representation forms like movies, imagevideos, architectural plans - and utopias, as well as on literature, advertisments and news. At second the economic aspects were analysed by the new labormodels (On-Line Services, Homelabor a.s.o.). The question if 'flexibilization' confirm the gender differences, (or space difference like the private/public opposition) or if it helps to change and break traditional rolemodels.Third architects and theoriticians analysed the consequences of the so called globalisation has on the urban space and its inhabitants. |
(Sorry that all texts are in german, we would need some more money to translate them! contact us)
steirischer herbst 97
Sex & Space II
Ausstellung, Vorträge und Workshops
2.10. - 26.10.1997 im Forum Stadtpark Graz (deutsch)
Sex & Space II
exhibition, lectures & filmprogram
2.10. - 26.10.1997, Forum Stadtpark Graz (english)
Einführung (deutsch)
Introduction (english)
Absage von Sex & Space II
Aus kulturpolitischen Gründen musste im März 1997 Sex&Space im Forum Stadtpark in Graz abgesagt werden. Pressemitteilung
Sex & Space auf dem Internet
Eine kurze Einführung
infozone version 1.1: sex&space
Sex & Space Shedhalle 96
Raum, Geschlecht, Ökonomie - Einführung (deutsch)
Sex & Space in der Shedhalle
Das Programm in der Shedhalle Zürich
Sex & Space - Presseinformation
Produktionsstudio, Ausstellung und Veranstaltungsreihe
Pressetext zur Eröffnung in der Shedhalle Zürich |