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+ Collective exhibitions
exhibitions of M.A.V.
MALA. ARTI VISIVE. The Mala. Arti Visive was established in 1988 by Anna Maria Del Bianco, Stefano Lombardelli, and Davide Pazzaglia, with the aim of creating an organizational structure which would enable them to look into reality and art: undefinable concepts in which their own work is immersed.
MALA. STUDIO. In March of 1988, the Mala. Arti Visive group introduces "Mala. Studio" : the opening, the management and the closing of the working area in Via Cavalieri n. 51 in Rimini. During the five months while it was open, various events took place here: concerts, exhibitions, video projections and others, carried out by the Mala. Arti Visive group and other artists (solo artists or groups). Furthermore there have been other events held by Artisti Anonimi, the title used by those artists without art for the creating of an art without artists. The work itself was the place in its wholeness and everything that took place within, until the area became identified; the walls with the work, the Mala. Arti Visive ideas with the ideas of those who were present there, until it became the body of that abstract will which created it, a place that was by now a physical and no more only mental, not the object of the action but subject to what it had undergone. + Mala. Studio, Rimini.
SENZA TITOLO (TERRAGRIGIA). Clumps of clay earth of a grey colour are exhibited and used in order to reflect on the distance between reality and art. White and black are easily thought of as abstract concepts, grey joined to them is partly considered like them; but if a solid element like earth can have a colour like grey, if a concept which is so abstract exists in a sensitive experience then there is no difference between the reality and the idea but there is an ideal union in reality 365 Art Gallery, Rimini.
LIBRO PRIMO. Libro Primo was published for the MALAEdizioni. This work reflects the same spirit of the studio, not as an archive of what has taken place, but as a work which is renewed in another shape or form; just as the first one exploited the physical being of a three-dimensional space, this latter one makes use of the peculiarities of a rarefied area like that of writing. Libro Primo even though it is based on the Mala. Studio experience, has an autonomy which makes it a work within itself, from reflection of reality on the paper, it has become as real as what it was reflecting. It creates reality to define itself within it, and in one way or another it defines it. This, in short is, the formulation of a problem which, with its ambiguity, in a fleeting moment dismantles every uncertainty on life and its reflections (art being one of the many). Of reality we possess only its expression and expression is already another reality
+ 41 Salon de la Jeune Peinture. Grand Palais, Paris Galleria dell'Immagine, Rimini.
SENZA TITOLO (CARTONI). The sheets of cardboard used to line the walls of the Mala. Studio are introduced as a work of art. The aim was to assert, as aesthetic models, the tools of the work itself, not incomprehensible means or traces, but a real example of beauty, in which these elements are merged in an indissoluble way 365 Art Gallery, Rimini.
ANEPIGRAFO. Under the heading "anepigrafo" a series of exhibitions and events have been created, the aim of which is to comprehend artistic works and the art panorama, and to understand what the personal logic is that is the driving force behind the present day research stage in the artistic field. The various fast spreading of thoughts, artistic means and expressions, places in difficulty the capability to have a look which, without falling into details, is able to lead to a minimum common denominator. The absence of a univocal vision could be, though, a vision of absence to the light of which the many names and words of contemporary art are aligned, against a kind of modern "Horror Vacui", in an interminable unique list. The works and events done under this lack of heading (lamps, nails, texts, rubber-stamps) are nothing but metaphoric lists or simple thoughts which attempt to stimulate to this reflection
+ Ipotesi Arte Giovane. Ex fabbrica Carminati & Toselli, Milano Galleria 420 WB, Ravenna Ex macello, Serre di Rapolano (Si)
+ Anni '90. Bologna, Cattolica, Rimini
+ Arte Giovane. San Marino (R.S.M.)
+ Assedio. Rocca di Forlimpopoli (Fo) Minimo Storico, Bertinoro (Fo).
+ Via Farini, Milano.
PIU' VALORE AL TUO DENARO / PIU' DENARO AL MIO VALORE. Small leaflets are given out, posted up and put on show (bank-note or "santino"* size and shape). On the front of these has been printed the phrase: "piu' valore al tuo denaro", (more value to your money), taken from e soap-powder box and, on the back, a reflection on the evolution of the value of money and of its relationship with art. If money declares, regarding objects of mass consumerism, its own insufficiency in such an explicit way, the duty of culture is then, therefore to create and develop new models of thought and not to justify or legitimize models which are already changing. * "Santino" - small sized sacred cards with prayers on are circulated in Italy.
+ M.A.C.A.M.. Maglione (To)
+ Interni d'artista - Progetto Borderline. Monteciccardo (Ps)
+ Imprese Mediali. Galleria Forum, Roma.
MACCHINETTA. The Mala. Arti Visive acquired a coin operated audio slide viewer, as an informative aid to be used in the exhibiting centres
+ Air de Paris. Galleria Neon, Bologna.
+Galleria Balena, Rimini.
PREZZARIO. "Prezzario", which was published and exhibited, is a book which contains lists of all the works by the Mala. Arti Visive, which are available for sale. If money is the current parameter on the basis that it is possible to make a comparison in a univocal way, then defining a price is not only a commercial practice but it directly implicates the rapport of values between us and the others. So it is therefore a gesture in which a clear concise synthesis is revealed, regarding the true conception of itself and of the world with a unique definition which is rapidly comprehended by everyone Galleria Paolo Vitolo, Roma Galleria Neon, Bologna Associazione Viafarini, Milano Galleria Leonardi, Genova.
ICONA. Assedio
+ Rocca di Forlimpopoli (Fo).
T-SHIRTS. Ace-Land
+ Galleria Arx, Torino.
+ Galleria Neon & Emilio Fantin Diffusione. Bologna.
ART.1 Galleria 4,5 x 4,5, Parma.
QUADERNI. While considering the necessity of creating a place where it would be possible to think, to have an instrument with which one could continually develop concepts among which one is art, and think of the necessity of decreasing everything in a routine way like that of mass consumerism, thus the Quaderni project was created. This is en industrially produced work, 100.000 exercise books, manufactured and distributed by the Arbos company to stationers on a national and international scale (Germany, Greece, Japan). Here we have a hypothesis of an economy which knows how to spread itself around by way of consumer products which are used daily. Not the development of the image, nor the aesthetic value of a product, but the possible production of an aesthetic or conceptual image of reality. Parallel to the selling of the product by stationers, there have been held a series of exhibitions which the visitors could look at and study the texts and drawings used for the developing and completion of the whole project and series of exercise books to be used by artists, art critics and others, on invitation of the Mala. Arti Visive. It was possible, at the exhibition to reproduce these materials on the photo-copier. This allowed and encouraged the exhibition to become a place for people to meet others and where a relations between work and the thoughts of everyone concerned, became possible. In the most recent exhibition, held at the Neon Gallery, the complete background history of this project was narrated in rhyme and depicted in 24 illustrations Galleria Neon, Bologna Galleria Bordone, Milano
+ Chibi & Cart, Milano
+ Arte Fiera, Bologna
+ Premiere 94, Frankfurt Galleria Piano Nobile, Perugia Galleria Margiacchi, Arezzo Galleria Leonardi, Genova Via degli Artisti, Torino Loft Arte Club, Valdagno (VI); Galleria dell'Immagine, Rimini
+ PartY 94, Basel Galleria Placentia, Piacenza.
LAMPADARI?. Ars Lux (Made in BO)
+ Bologna, Milano, Roma.
SCIALUPPE. S.O.S. Mostra di Pittura. Giancarlo Norese
+ Galleria Neon, Bologna.
CARTOLINE. Acesouvenir
+Grangesises, (To).
QUADERNI (racconto). Galleria Neon, Bologna.
PREPARATORY EXERCISE: AH BOH! In an imaginary room Mr. A and Mr. B hold a dialogue
+ Giovani umani in fuga. Mendrisio, Switzerland.
+ Virtual Town TV (055-485997), Tommaso Tozzi.
MACCHINETTA (racconto). Il giovane ospite
+Casa del Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto, (Tv).
FIRST EXERCISE: I don't believe it! A donkey who flies does not even believe in himself
+ La posta in gioco. Galleria d'arte contemporanea, Rimini.
SECOND EXERCISE: room/s. In a real room a virtual room reproducing it, by crossing the threshold twice a text imprinted on the wall is met. Outside, miniatures of the same room are available, small work's souvenir
+ LADA: 5a Rassegna di Radio e Arte Acustica nello Spazio Elettronico, Rimini - San Marino (R.S.M.)
LANDSCAPE. Inside the 200 shoppers, there are some photographic reproductions; they are enlarged fragments, divided into sections, drawn from images of mass-consumption. The bag is marked with the sentence "The capability of the look to contain, comprehend and forget the spatial and temporal horizon of endless names.
Mine, too. Yours, too." Some portraits, made out of some illustrated magazines, are also displayed; enlarged pictures capable of unveiling the screen's scheme.
"Landscape" is a journey into those landscapes worn-out by collective imaginary, in which short-sighted but absolute eyes look for an horizon, a panorama where to place oneself . Icons drawn from mass-communication images, worn-out by consumerism and to be consumed again as works of art. Depot Gallery, Bologna
+ Melody Makers, Bologna
+Il video vecchia frontiera dell'arte, S.Maria di Sala (Ve)
+ Compartements, Copenhagen
+ Laboratorio politico di fine secolo, Associazione Monti, Macerata.
+Biodegradabile 74%, Milano
+ Presente-Gegenwart: anni 90, Monaco di Baviera.
Mala. Arti Visive, Via Lipparini 11, 47037 Rimini, Italia, tel. 0039/541/392830